Bluebells, bluebells, bluebells. This walk passes through Knebworth Park, glimpses Knebworth House and, later, passes near the ancestral home of the Queen Mother. You also pass a church associated with the family that’s worth a look. But the big stars of today are the bluebells. These ones could eat Dockey Wood’s offerings for breakfast. (Last year, even this jaded, seen-it-all-before bloobosceptic was impressed). 11.6 miles, difficulty 4/10.
Get the 10:03 Royston train from Kings Cross (Finsbury Park 10:09) arriving Knebworth 10:39.
Return from Hitchin at x:00 and xx:30. Get a return to Hitchin.
The recommended choice, after you’ve turned onto the Hitchin walk, is the community-owned,
Camra-recognised Red Lion in Preston 01462 459585. You should reach this about 1:30. Booking advised.
An earlier possibility would be a short diversion to the village of Whitwell, using the Knebworth directions, to find Emily's Teashop 01438 871928. (The Bull Inn there is not currently doing food).
Note, too, that the Strathmore Arms (tel 01438 8717654) in St Pauls Walden doesn’t seem to do food on a Sunday - only on special pre-booked days.
Tea The directions recommend Halsey's Deli in Hitchin - near St Mary's Church - open till 5.
If it's beer you're after, Mr Tiger would recommend the Half Moon 57 Queen Street (01462 452 448), winner of several Camra awards. To find this, when you've crossed the main road in paragraph 27 (Hitchin section), turn right and Queen Street is one of the roads off to the left.
Walk Directions here
We're doing Knebworth to Hitchin, not the circular. After you get to paragraph 17 (the box labelled H on page 10 *), the directions to Hitchin continue on page 21*. (If you do finish in Knebworth, trains back are at xx:44). t=swc.353
*Page numbers are for current version. Differ slightly in older ones.
Several new recruits today, the youngest being 12. In total, we numbered N=16 and a dog. A w=warm-occasionally-sunny day. Quite a fast pace. The bluebells were spectacular as predicted. Even Mr Tiger had to agree they were “Quite good”.
Nearing Preston, the scary Preston bullocks tried an ambush but the SWC army staged a rearguard action and they were soon cowering near the exit gate (the bullocks, not SWC).
The Red Lion was good. Some had food some had beer, some sat on the green and had their sandwiches. Mr Tiger had the “Coffin Stout”, which was dead good.
Eventually the troops were mustered and the march continued. More bluebells. More “ooh”s, more “ah”s.
In Hitchin, the Half Moon came up sooner than expected. A sizeable number were intending to visit but, sadly, there was a beer festival, there were large queues, and there was a lot of noise. Only three headbangers ventured in. The rest headed off for tea or whatever. The headbangers started off with an insipid stout. Mr Tiger then requested a Beesting perry (6.8 %) but had to settle for a 7% Pigsqieal.
The inebriated two (for they were, by now, two) took a shorter route to the station, caught the 18:00 and rolled off the train at St P. without further incident. Grand day out, if one says so oneself.
Sunday, 30 April 2023 at 19:39:00 BST Delete
Not much mud either.
Just to add to Mr Tiger's report: 9 of us had tea at Halsey's Deli & Eatery in Hitchin - and very pleasant, too. We all left together just in time to catch the 17-00 hrs fast train back to London (and onwards to Brighton). We had the good fortune of having the company of the walk author today, and I believe everyone enjoyed her excellent walk through the very best of bluebell woods. Thanks to Mr Tiger for posting her walk today.
And that’s not all….. I heard tell of another two did the walk in the other direction. That makes n=18
It’s true! 2 walked the opposite route Hitchin to Knebworth. Amazed by the seas of bluebells had snacks at a tranquil point along the way. They were welcome at Knebworth Country Park by a tortoise (probably wandering out from the Fair over the weekend)! and had an interesting choice at The Station pub in Knebworth : cocktails and Persian cake!
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