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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 29 April 2023

Saturday Walk: Haslemere Circular

8.7 miles / 14.0 km

A beautiful walk through mixed woods and heathland.   A climb after lunch takes you up to Black Down, the highest point in Sussex.  An optional detour goes via the Temple of the Winds, a fine viewpoint.

Trains:  10:10 London Waterloo, 11:08 Haslemere.  Return trains at xx:03, xx:30, xx:45.

LunchThe Red Lion, Fernhust (01428 643112).



Walker said...

Look out for the cute little pink bell-shaped flowers on the bilberry.

Mr M Tiger said...

N=14 on a w=sunny-spring-day Some bits were dry some bits were muddy. But not muddy like last week. There was flowers. Bluebells, gorse, violets, celandine but no little pink bilberry flowers. The Red Lion is in new hands but the food seemed fine. A pleasant time was had in the garden. The HSB beer was good.
We lost half the group here - picnickers who went on ahead. After the pub it was time for the dreaded Black Down ascent. Up through the mud, up through the stream, upward, ever upward. “Not as bad as it could have been” declared an unusually cheerful Mr Tiger at the top.
Eventually the hardy crew neared Haslemere. Some went straight to the station and three to Hemingways where most of their cake had already sold out. The good news, for Mr Tiger at least, was that the rainbow cake hadn’t. Then, it was off to the station for the 17:30 home.