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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 1 September 2024

Prom 56 at 7:30pm

Booking for BBC Proms has just opened.  We will be doing three this year.  The second in the series is Prom 56.  As per usual, you can book a ticket in advance or get a promming ticket on the day.  


      • Os justi(5 mins)
      • Locus iste(4 mins)
      • Christus factus est(6 mins)
      • Symphony No. 5 in B flat major(81 mins)

To book, please click here 

Pre-concert meeting:  Weather permitting,  meet at the steps of the Albert Memorial for picnic before the concert from 6:00pm. 

I will be setting up a Whatsapp group for this event.  If you wish to be on it, please email with your mobile number to swcsocialATgmailDOTcom. 


Lucilla said...

Several have booked

Lucilla said...

This is likely to be a popular prom. If the website shows sold out, I suggest that you come back on a regular basis to check for return tickets. RAH has over 1000 members. They tend to send their unwanted tickets to the box office about 2-3 weeks before the performance. So it is well worth a check. Alternatively, you can get a promming ticket on the day.

Lucilla said...

It was a gorgeous evening, sunny and warm, n=10 walkers gathered at the steps of Albert Memorial for picnic. We were pleased to see one of the past walkers who had moved away joined us. One walker produced an industrial scale of humous for everyone to share and jars to take home with... Thank you. Two bottles of wine were consumed to help those prommers standing straight in the auditorium and those with seats not to fall asleep during the concert. :)

Bruckner Symphony 5 is not an easy piece to comprehend, but Berliner Philharmoniker under the conductor Krill Petrenko performed the piece with great intensity. We particularly enjoyed brass and woodwind instruments and even the periodic silence was engaging....

Despite the admiration we had for the orchestra, we can't help noticing that there were only a handful of women in the orchestra , a startling contrast to the norm. Mind you, several years ago, there were almost none!.... An improvement but not fast enough perhaps in this day of age!

We met briefly again after the concert to share our thoughts before going our separate ways. A nice evening out.