9.6 miles 15.4 km Difficulty 2/10
An optional detour adds about 3 km, 1.5 miles onto the overall length
The main route goes through Bulstrode Park, dips briefly into Burnham Beeches then heads for the Thames, passing Hedsor Church and on into Cookham. The optional diversion takes you deeper into Burnham Beeches with its elderly gnarled inhabitants and, if you can find it, past a mysterious ancient moat. Cookham is associated with the artist Stanley Spencer whose memorial stone is in the churchyard. There is a small Spencer gallery in the town. Closes 4:30. Adm. £7.
Travel 10:35 train from Marylebone arriving Gerrards Cross 11:07
Return from Cookham at xx:44 changing at Maidenhead for Paddington.,
The journey back is on a different line and requires a different ticket. You should be able to buy both at Marylebone, but, if not, don't forget at Cookham.
So that’s a single from Marylebone to Gerards Cross and a single from Cookham to London.
(An All-Zones Travelcard + singles from / to the Boundary may be cheaper).
Freedom Pass holders can return free from Maidenhead on the Elizabeth line.
Elevenses / Early lunch An early temptation, the White Horse in Hedgerley (01753) 643225 is renowned for its real ale. The elevenses have been known to segue into lunchies.
Lunch The directions recommend the Jolly Woodman, 01753 644350, which has a sizeable garden. If taking the Burnham Beeches diversion, you also pass the Blackwood Arms 01753 645672
Advisable to phone
Tea: there are a few places in Cookham High Street. Infusions 01628 528 537 has a garden. The Teapot at Cleve Cottages – open till 5. There are pubs too - the Kings Arms 01628 530 667, the Bel and Dragon 01628 521 263 and two more on the way to the station.
It is 15-20 mins to the station from the High St. so allow time for that and to get yer ticket
Walk directions here
There is a little map of Burnham Beeches here
12 out of the station on a sunny and very warm day. The group stuck mostly together until the White Horse where a few decided to test the leftovers from last week’s beer and ale festival. The ales proved too much for one of the walkers who needed to regain their balance. The ale group caught up with three others just before diverting to Blackwood Arms for lunch, where later they were joined by two picnickers. Three others arrived earlier already. Lunch arrived relatively quickly and got generally good reviews with one from the ale group personally thanking the chef. Four planned to walk back to Gerard’s Cross, scouting a new route, while five intrepid ale drinkers marched on to a Cookham. After a long stretch in the sun we arrived at Cookham where some confusion about train times and a no-show bus meant the group took a train one hour later than planned. But that created just a perfect opportunity for some to enjoy cake and tea and others some cold lemonade. Off we got on a local train and later home from Maidenhead.
Group cohesion factor: 3 out of 10. Weather: hot and sunny. Flora and fauna report: A lot of sweet blackberries; heather in bloom; one cute kitten on a train and multiple horses with foals throughout the walk.
Future walkers please call lunch places ahead as some appear closed.
n=12 w=hot-and-sunny
As one of three picnickers on today's walk, I can confirm that the Jolly Woodman is no more. All references to it should therefore be removed or walkers should be warned that it is permanently closed.
I updated the on-line, written directions with news of the closure of the Jolly Woodman before this walk took place !
Sigh apologies for not spottting the updates. In my defence, I did check their website beforehand. This hasn’t been closed and still gives the impression they are alive and well. So if anyone deserves a spell on the naughty step , it’s them.
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