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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 2 August 2020

Goring is not Boring

SWC 17: Goring Circular via Moulsford t=swc.17

Distance:  12.4 miles or 20.0 km for those more metrically minded with shorter options available (the basic Goring Circular is 11.2 miles/18km with an 8 mile YHA map-led option)

Difficulty: 4 out of 10 for the main walk

Train:  Take the 10:00AM Great Western Bristol bound train from London Paddington, changing at Didcot Parkway (arrive 10:38; depart 10:47), arriving at Goring at 10:57.  Return trains are hourly on the hour with a couple of extras at 19:36 and 20:39. Buy a day return to Goring.
This walk is a combination of two very lovely routes in the Thames valley with a delightfully traditional pub. You will need to follow SWC 17 to the lunch pub; then pick up the instructions in SWC 49 (Cholsey to Goring). From recollection the route via Moulsford brings you past a pleasant riverside pub and a potential swimming spot….. You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here and here.
The recommended lunch pub is the very traditional Bell Inn in Aldworth, serving a limited menu in its garden (4.5 miles/7.5km into the walk). Post walk refreshments can be had at various locations in Goring.
Enjoy the walk!


Sandy said...

Not completely sure I’m coming tomorrow, but from SW London, Ealing Bdwy 0937 direct to Goring 1038 looks preferable to travelling in to Paddington

Stargazer said...

As per the tin, I think most agreed that Goring is certainly not boring....the walk began very socially distanced with two groups arriving on two separate trains about 15 minutes apart...the four from the later train eventually caught up with the six from the earlier train at the lunch pub where a few dined on their simple rolls (more basic than usual) in their garden enjoying some tasty ales and ciders, making for a total of n=10. After lunch 3 opted for the traditional Goring circular while the rest strode off via Moulsford...with fine views. Disappointingly, the riverside pub was closed for refurbishment....but a bit further along, the very clear waters proved irresistible for one who had a lovely refreshing dip in the river while the others relaxed on the grassy banks...Back in Goring time was short and pub formalities long, so we opted for some take out drinks to enjoy on the 17:00....for the most part, the day was w=warm-and-mostly-sunny-with-one-short-shower...