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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 1 August 2020

Saturday walk - Buxted Circular

Length: 16.3km (10.1 miles)

Catch the 10.07 from London Bridge (10.22 East Croydon), arriving at Buxted at 11.16.

For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here. T=3.95

This walk has been suggested by Brian, who says: East Sussex is looking at its best at this time of year, so, and this is a lovely slice of it meandering through woods and rolling fields, with some beautiful panoramic views, especially in the afternoon.

Lunch: the Crow and Gate (from where, if necessary, you can cut the walk short with a bus to Eridge on the Uckfield line or Tunbridge Wells on the Hastings line).

Return trains are at 37 past the hour, with a choice of two pubs if you have to wait for the train (or even if you just fancy a drink at the end of the walk - Ed).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for scheduling, Walker.

Walker said...

Not me: Brian. He chose the walk and provided all the info.

SardoMan said...

I'm starting two hours earlier to do some birdwatching.
I hope to meet you all en route. just

SardoMan said...

I'm starting two hours earlier to do some birdwatching.
I hope to meet you all en route.

Brian said...

n=3 at the station met n=16 off the train and set off in socially distanced groups under w=warm-blue-sunny-skies-with-occasional-cloud across a very pretty part of East Sussex where farmers were busy harvesting hay and barley ("that's the thing about summer" someone commented "it smells so good.")
The lunchtime pub, the Crow and Gate, was reached shortly after 1pm, and 6 walkers had reserved a table - reports on food awaited. Sadly, those hoping for just a drink were turned away as the pub was "at capacity." The afternoon produced a mixture of fine panoramas and meanders through sun-dappled woodland to arrive back at Buxted in time for a drink outside the Buxted Inn after which some went off to explore the White Hart. A very pleasant day's walk in excellent company.

Walker said...

N=19. (The system does not add up all the n= numbers, Brian: it just takes the highest one.)

Marion said...

As one of the lucky diners I can confirm that the food was Gastro excellent as was the service. Despite the pub and garden being empty with many spare tables it appears that if you arrive late for your booking on the terrace and the legal maximum of diners/drinkers has been reached you will be denied boarding even for a drink as bar service is banned. Sandwich eaters please note for this and future bookings at other venues so make sure you bring plenty of water and a flask of coffee/tea to last the day! We actually managed 7 dining at 2 tables and were glad not to be turned away. Many thanks to Brian for the table reservation as it was his pod who arrived too late even for a drink so I understand.