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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Evening Walk - Not so Harrowing in Harrow

SWC Short 40:  Harrow-on-the-Hill Walk T=Short.40

Distance:          3.1 miles or 5 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty:         2 out of 10

Meet:                18:00 at the exit of South Kenton Underground Station (Zone 4 – Bakerloo Line or Overground)

Return:             Harrow-on-the-Hill Metropolitan Line or Chilterns Railway

In contrast to last week’s evening walk on the wild side, this is a more staid outing through a park, the grounds of one of the country’s leading “public schools” and a hanging cemetery. We should have enough daylight to make it to the various refreshments stops on the High Street for a drink and a meal before finishing up the walk at the Harrow-on-the-Hill station.  More information about the route can be found here.

Enjoy the walk!

1 comment:

Stargazer said...

Six gathered at the exit of South Kenton Station for formalities, including one visitor to London interested in seeing the hallowed grounds of the Harrow school. We set off quickly conscious of the fading light...All concluded that the "hill" in Harrow is of a modest nature -- but does make a dramatic location for the historic school buildings and church. As we approached the first buildings, we were treated to a group of students in their tails practicing some singing...The buildings looked stunning in the low light...particularly atmospheric were the church and hanging cemetery (in the dark)...we stopped at the inviting Castle for a bevie before continuing along the route...towards the end we diverted off piste to a pub (not far from the station) specializing in very tasty Indian fare, where we met 2 late starters who did a modified version of the walk...All enjoyed a fun evening meal during which we agreed the walk was a very enjoyable exploration of an interesting area...not quite sure what time we, n=8 in total under w=clear-skies-with-some-moon-and-stars.