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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 26 February 2017

Surrey Heathlands

Book 2 Walk 12c  Farnham circular

Length 16.2km (10.1m); toughness 3/10.

Trains:10.07 London Waterloo  arrives Farnham 11.13

Return trains from Farnham on the hour (may have to change at Woking and  at xx:30 (direct)

An attractive walk exploring the ancient man-made habitats of the Surrey heathlands.

Walk instrutions

Click here for the instructions for the Book 1 Walk 12 Farnham to Godalming walk and your two lunch pub options

See here for more details about this Book 2  walk. Click on the download walk pdf tab at the top of the page and refer to Section C  at the end of the pdf file  for information on completing the circular walk back to Farnham.

1 comment:

PeteB said...

n=9 on this walk including a family of 4 whose six year old son set a cracking pace at the start by running ahead. (Ah the reckless energy of a six year old).We all met up at the Donkey pub, which still has donkeys but all the tables were booked so the family group ate the at the bar whilst the rest of us who had brought sandwiches had a drink. The pub/restaurant is tiny and there's hardly any room for those who just want a drink but the staff are friendly enough.
After lunch we parted from the family and five of us ambled through the heathland which to be frank did not look at its best in late February and is in fact mainly woodland. Three of us had a tea at the hotel in Farnham before catching the 4.30pm train home.
A fine day out on a mud-free and stile free walk with the weather w=mild-and-dull-with-some-wind.