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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Knockholt Circular

Length: 18.5km (11.5 miles)

10.04 train from Charing Cross (10.07 Waterloo East, 10.13 London Bridge) to Knockholt, arriving 10.49 T=3.7

For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here.

Best ticket: Oyster or contactless: don't forget to tap in/out at Knockholt, which is easy to do

Under tier rules we are still allowed to meet outside in groups of no more than six, and to travel within the boundaries of London. This walk starts from a very isolated rural station, which is nevertheless in zone six, and apart from a very short section (which could be avoided by the scrupulous, but which actually goes across a deserted golf course), takes place entirely within the boundaries of the London Borough of Bromley

We must split into groups of six at the start, and you can expect no lunch facilities, unless the pubs in Downe or Cudham are doing takeaways. Coolings Garden Centre near the end may offer takeaway teas.

Trains back are at 13 and 43 past the hour


Anonymous said...

Hello. If most of se England is now Tier 3, any reason why we shouldn't walk in bubbles in other Tier 3 territory? Just asking, not criticising. Cheers.

Sean said...

On the Ramblers site the rule for England is stated as follows:

"Whether you're organising your own walk with friends and family, or joining a Ramblers group walk, the travel restrictions are the same: you should not travel to or from Tier 3 (Very High Alert) areas, including neighbouring Tier 3 areas, either to start your walk or as part of your walk."

Assuming that's correct, Londoners should stick to walks inside the London boundary.

Anonymous said...

Understand. Cheers.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why the Ramblers say that. There's no law (as opposed to "guidance") preventing travel (assuming you haven't got Covid-19) and Tier 3 is one area.

Josefine said...

Is anyone going on the Haslemere round walk today? And is travel from London’s to Haslemere allowed?

Walker said...

As it turned out, the last day before Tier Four. If you are reading this in the far future and don’t know what tier four is, lucky you... I did count how many came on this walk but forgot to write it down: around n=20. I was soon in a group of three and stayed with it all day, until around dusk we met two others. So social distancing complied with.

A nice walk in pleasant scenery. Despite rain on the train down and the train home, it was w=fairly-sunny-and-always-dry while we were walking. Picnic lunch, natch. Coolings tea kiosk was shut by the time our little threesome got there: did others have better luck? Back in London, three of us joined the youth in cheerful Christmasy Hays Galleria and cracked a bottle of wine or two. One more defiant gesture against the gloom of this tiresome winter.