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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Wednesday walk - Holmwood to Reigate

This walk in the Low Weald of Surrey, in the Mole Valley, provides broad paths through gently undulating country with glimpses of the North Downs ridge to the north.

Length: 16km (10 miles)

Difficulty: 2 out of 10

Trains: 09.41 from London Victoria, (09.48 Clapham Junction) stops at multiple stations en route to Holmwood arriving 10.47.
Return trains from Reigate: xx.02 and xx.32 go direct to London Victoria, xx.08 and xx:38 go to Redhill where you can change for trains to London Bridge.
Buy a return to Holmwood which is valid from Reigate though it may not work at the ticket barrier.

Lunch: The Plough in Leigh 01306 611348

Tea: Monty Bojangles and other options available in Reigate. 

For more detailed information follow the link L=swc.32

1 comment:

Boonster said...

16 met at Holmwood Station, with 1 more catching the group after lunch having caught a later train, so #17 in all. The weather was #warm and sunny. After a morning meandering through fields, including one with a sea of cows blocking the way, most of the group had a picnic in the churchyard at Leigh, followed by a drink with the sole pub luncher at the plough. The afternoon was spent pleasantly strolling through more fields, before the steep ascent and descent of the only big hill of the day through Reigate Park. Some had excellent tea and cakes at Monty Bojangles, and others popped into the Bull for a drink. Many of us then hopped on the 16.32 back to London, which was very overcrowded with students from tge sixth form college next to the station.