Ancient woodland, open downs and farmland in London's Green Belt.
Length: 15¼ km (9.5 miles).
Toughness: 5 out of 10
Trains: The 10.10 Tattenham Corner train from London Bridge arrives Chipstead 10.55
Trains back from Kingswood run twice hourly at xx:22 and xx:52
Both stations are in Boundary zone 6 so you can use an Oyster card or Freedom pass for the journey there and back. Kingswood is one stop beyond Chipstead.
Lunch: The suggested lunch pub (after 8¼ km) is the Well House Inn (01737 830640) in Mugswell. Otherwise, bring a picnic lunch or hold out for one of the tea options near the end of the walk.
For more detailed information L=swc.177
1 comment:
A good turnout of 16 on the posted train, 2 car drivers and one catching us up at lunchtime making #19 in all. All but two did the far loop to Mugswell, where many of us took advantage of the pub's offer to eat our lunch in the garden if we bought a drink. Two ate inside.
Banstead Wood and the return path between Chipstead Lane and the railway were a bit squelchy but not too bad compared to recent weeks. About five of us including the drivers returned to Chipstead instead of going to Kingswood.
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