Length: 20.5 km (12.7 miles) 6/10
I've picked this walk because it has been recommended as a promising area for bluebells, as well as being an excellent walk from memory: a mixture of woods and open views, not too far away, and passing interesting places including Churchill's house at Chartwell.
Travel: 0950 from Victoria arriving at Hurst Green at 1034 or 1007 from London Bridge arriving 1038.
Returning from Penshurst station there are two trains an hour to Tonbridge where you change for Charing Cross, and two to Redhill where you change for London Bridge. A return to Penshurst should work; if returning via Tonbridge make sure your ticket covers that.
Lunch: the original lunch pub on this walk has closed and the best non-picnic option looks like the NT cafe at Chartwell (tel 01732 863087), 7.5 km from the start of the walk, which serves good food from noon to 4 pm. There is a possible late pub stop at in Ide Hill, 13 km from the start of the walk - the Cock Inn (tel 01732 750310).
Tea: the Little Brown Jug Chiddingstone Causeway, Tonbridge, TN11 8JJ (01892 870318). I recall this pub having erratic opening hours but apparently it is now open noon-11pm Mon-Sat and offers tea and coffee.
Short walk option: The Book 2 description and walk directions include a 9 km route, following the main walk to Limpsfield Chart and finishing at Oxted. If you do this and start later, you could lunch at the Carpenters Arms (tel 01883 722209), 4 km from the start of the walk. There doesn't appear to be a GPX track for this route but if you followed the final section of walk SWC 63 from Limpsfield Chart you wouldn't go far wrong. You'll only need a return to Hurst Green if you do this walk. There is a plethora of other options on the walk's web page with different starts and finishes.
For walk directions, map and GPX click here
Another refreshment option is the Ide Hill Community Shop, which has a small cafe. https://www.idehillshop.com/
I walked from Penshurst station to Ide Hill today, Tuesday 25th. The bluebells are pretty much at their best. A huge area of oilseed in full flower below Ide Hill and again towards the end of the walk. Paths are still fairly slithery and gloopy: don’t wear your party shoes….
The walk poster will have to cry off today because of a dental emergency - sorry folks. Hope you have a good walk
n=11 turned out on a w=bright-cool day for this scenic walk with great views and varied terrain, bluebell woods, wild garlic, fading daffodils, primroses, blossoming hedgerows and several large fields of shoulder high rape, brilliant yellow which we walked through on squelchy but manageable paths. We all had picnic lunches outside the cafe at Chartwell, used the facilities there and carried on to Ide Hill where we stopped for tea and cake at the excellent community shop and cafe. We had been warned of very muddy paths on the route down to Penshurst by a local walker but it wasn't too bad and we were able to skirt around the worst bits. The slowest four got to Penshurst in time for the 17.55 train to Tonbridge where we caught a fast train to London Bridge. A good walk which felt strenuous despite no major ascents. Thanks for posting Sandy and sorry you missed it.
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