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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Thursday, 27 April 2023

Evening Walk: Wood anemones and bluebells in Oxleas Wood

Evening Walk: Wood anemones and bluebells in Oxleas Wood

Distance:          Approximately 4 miles or 6 km for those more metrically minded

Difficulty:        2 out of 10

Train:               18:07 Southeastern Dartford bound train from London Victoria, arriving Falconwood 18:45 OR 18:12 Southeastern Gravesend bound train from London Cannon Street, changing at Lewisham onto the Victoria train (arr. 18:26, dep. 18:32)

Return:            Return trains every 10-20 minutes alternating between Cannon Street and Victoria until about 23:00

First off, apologies to those on last week's walk when I flagged Tuesday for this week's evening walk -- I adjusted my weekend schedule and Thursday proved more convenient after all.  This short walk follows an undulating route through several mostly ancient woodlands with a rich variety of plants and trees, up the southerly flank of Shooter’s Hill, past a large south facing meadow with far views across Southeast London and on through more woods past remnants of a stately home’s gardens to the architecturally interesting folly of Severndroog Castle. Along the way, we should hopefully find wood anemones and bluebells!

More information about the route can be found here.

Enjoy the walk!


1 comment:

Stargazer said...

Sensibly, no one else emerged from the appointed train with your loyal correspondent who spent a few minutes in w=persistent-rain outside the station contemplating doing all or part of the walk. Eventually, she wisely decided to take the next train back to Blackheath for a look around, then pleasant meal before walking home across the common-- so n=0 on a total washout....