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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Evening Walk - Woods, Horniman Gardens and Dulwich Park

Length: 6.6 km (4.1 mi)
Net Walking Time: 1 ½ hrs

Meet: Sydenham Hill Station/College Road exit (Zone 3) at 18.45 (i.e. take the 18.27 Orpington train from Victoria (Brixton 18.34, Herne Hill 18.37), arrives Sydenham Hill at 18.42).
Return: from West Dulwich (one stop closer to London), every 15 minutes on xx.05
This walk takes you through Dulwich Wood & Sydenham Hill Wood (together the largest extant part of the ancient Great North Wood in the Borough of Southwark), the splendid Horniman Gardens (with fine views of the City of London) and Dulwich Park, finishing in Dulwich Village for refreshments. If you get disorientated in Dulwich Wood or Sydenham Hill Wood, don’t worry too much as wandering around, you will in time come across the car wide metal bridge, from which you may resume the directions.

Tea: Crown & Greyhound and various bars and restaurants in Dulwich Village, and Belair House Bar & Restaurant on the way to the station.
For walk directions, map, photos, and gpx/kml files click here. T=short.9


Anonymous said...

Lovely walk but the footbridge may still be closed for repairs. It was still in April and the Council and Woodland Trust were 'discussing' how the repairs should be done. Not a problem, just continue straight down to Lordship Lane at the old Harvester and then walk up(ie turn right) if you want the Horniman Loop.

Thomas G said...

5 off an earlier train (which left time for a good distanced chat), 5 off the posted one, plus 1 joining in Horniman Park, having left home late and trained it to Forest Hill instead and walked up the hill from the other side. As per below comment, the footbridge in the wood is still very firmly closed, so we had a bit more road walking than normally on this walk, but the wood itself and the views from Horniman's compensated for that. Fluffy clouds with a pink tinge, anyone?
Most, maybe even all (some were inside, some out), frequented the Crown & Greyhound at the end, and from there dispersed to the various Dulwich Stations some time after 9 o'clock. A very enjoyable evening out.
n=11 w=hot-for-an-evening