Length: 11.4 km/7.1 mi; Height Gain: negligible
Meet 18.45 hours prompt outside Angel Station (Northern Line - Bank Branch, Zone 1), travel
time from Bank 5 minutes, from King’s Cross 2 minutes.
Finish: Limehouse DLR and Mainline (Zone 2).
“A canal-side walk through North and East London.
This is a simple walk, (keep the canal on the right apart for the Victoria Park
extension) and ideal for mid-summer evenings.”
Walk Options: bail out at
Mile End (Central Line), after 8.5 km.
Just a heads up to say there's a funfair just past the Green Bridge at Mile End (Irvine Leisure) This will be easy enough to go around and rejoin the towpath. (Unless you'd like to stop to have a go on the Dodgems or something a bit more extreme like the Megaspin!)
Intend going
11 gathered outside the bustling Angel tube station -- one with a bicycle who sped off shortly after doing names....However, he did resurface in Victoria Park and provided some nice personal insights into route....With a latecomer catching us early along the canal, we made for a group of n=12 in total in w=somewhat-sultry-summer-conditions.
I had never done this walk before and found it a great summer evening outing...Initially, the canal from Islington is quite a busy multi-use super highway -- but we all managed along with no one ending up in the drink...One could certainly get distracted along this stretch with some quite fun and funky looking canal-side hostelries….but the more disciplined members of the group (not me) kept us on track until at least the far side of Victoria Park where we did finally stop to rehydrate...Most carried on to Limehouse -- but as it was getting quite late by then...we continued directly to Canary Wharf for transport....
A nice evening in good company...
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