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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Saturday walk - Gentle southern hills

SWC walk 95 - Buxted Circular
Length: 16km (9.9 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

10.08 train from London Bridge (10.23 East Croydon) to Buxted, arriving 11.16.

For walk directions, click here.

The Midweek walkers had a pleasant day out on this gentle outing in the southern Weald a couple of weeks back, so I thought all you wage slaves might also like to have a crack at it.

There is not a lot to say about this walk, except that it is classic SWC walks territory - woods and fields and quiet lanes. Listen out for increasing spring birdsong. There is only one lunch pub - the Crow and Gate - but it is a large and cosy one. It may be worth ringing them up to nab a table as they are probably busier at weekends than they are midweek.

Just after lunch you can get a fine view of the distant South Downs (see the lead photo for this walk). At the end there are two pubs for tea.

Trains back are at 38 past the hour.


Anonymous said...

is anyone doing this walk? it sounds less strenuous than the other options !

Bridie said...

I am aiming to do this walk and judging on recent numbers there are likely to be 15 or so others out

Anonymous said...

In tghe light of the weather I may decide not to go out after all but I daresay there will be some die hards

Anonymous said...

N=12 off of the train though there could have been a hell of a lot more as reportedly loads ( well maybe 2 ) went to the wrong platform at East Grinstead.
The weather was w=snowy-and-grey-and-misty-but-not-too-cold. One walker was in a T-shirt in the afternoon.
The going was as slippery as a Turkish wrestler struggling with a large angry eel with extra slipperyness as one of the walkers ( Turkish ) put it whilst it was as muddy as ( extended simile wanted please - did Blackadder ever do one about mud ? ). It was noted that the walk poster was absent - it would seem that he had far more sense than us. All of the walkers were regulars.
The large pub, part of the Vintage chain, was very friendly and efficient and the food selection was excellent Myself and 2 others of the 8 lunchers had veggie burgers which were very nice, unlike the usual ones these were quite moist having courgette and carrot in them as well as a fair portion of beans / pulses. As we left the barman / manager gave one of the women a card and said that if we got stuck in the awful weather he would come out and rescue us which was very kind of him though it was noted that the men in the group were just asked to fill out an online survey to report how good he had been at hosting us - hmmmm.
Unfortunately there were no cabs available at the pub so we all had to do the walk after the large lunch, even the slacker that didn’t want to.
In the afternoon the scenery was rather Narniaish with a magical misty overtone but the snow stopped shortly after we had left the pub and then gradually disappeared from underfoot and in the end the wind died down apart from occasional noisy gusts.
6 hours after we had started out on this anti-peregrination we arrived back at where we had all started with half the crew popping into the pub by the station for a one hour sojourn.
Warm train and a one hour snooze back to London Bridge - happy
P Harty

Walker said...

The walk poster did NOT have more sense than you: he was merely on another walk (Berwick to Seaford), being bound by ties of guest-friendship to Stargazer - and also wanting to give that walk a check. I was in fact one of the midweek walkers who did Buxted recently, when it was equally bleak - misty and cold, though I don't remember wrestling with any Turkish eels. Nice cosy pub, though, innit?