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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 24 April 2021

Saturday Walk Ockley to Warnham - bluebells and rural delights between Surrey and West Sussex

Book 1, Walk 47 - Ockley to Warnham

Length: 16.5 km   (10.3 miles)
Toughness: 3 out of 10

London Victoria:  09-25 hrs     Southern service to Horsham   CJ 09-32 hrs,  Sutton 09-54 hrs,  Epsom 10-05 hrs
Arrive Ockley: 10-33 hrs


Warnham to Victoria: direct trains at 18 mins past the hour, and via Horsham at 39 mins past the hour. Last trains are at 18-18 hrs and 18-39 hrs 

Rail ticket: buy a day return to Warnham, unless you want the additional option of returning via Horsham, in which case buy a day return to Horsham any route permitted

Covid-19 Compliance: the mantra is now: "Hands-Face-Space-Fresh Air". We will get plenty of the last, regardless, but the other three will be down to all of us observing social distancing and following the current guidance for walkers. The majority of SWC Walk Posters believe the "Rule of Six" still applies to SWC walks - at least until 16 May. Please all come prepared to exchange contact details for track and trace purposes. If you prefer to pre-register for this walk (not essential - but it facilitates the collection of contact details) please e-mail me at   Thank you.   

I am hoping the bluebells will be in flower in the many woods we pass through today: if they are, you should enjoy today's walk which takes you through unspoilt and quite remote countryside along the Surrey and West Sussex borders. 

There are two lunchtime pubs with outside garden areas: the Scarlett Arms in Walliswood, on the main walk route, is advertising service in its outdoor areas. The Punchbowl Inn in Okewood Hill, on a slight route diversion, is silent on the matter.  Diners should book ahead.

After lunch it is more of the same - farmland and woods - with most of today's bluebells on offer. Arriving in Warnham you should find the Sussex Oak pub open for post walk refreshments.

Allow plenty of time (at least 20 minutes) for the walk from the Sussex Oak to Warnham's remote railway station.  And the train service stops early in the evening: if you are having such a good time in the Sussex Oak that you miss the last train, directions for extending the walk to Horsham are provided in the walk print out !
Walk Directions are here: L=1.47


Anonymous said...

Hi, Could there be another (more affordable) longer walk option on the 24th, please? Not a criticism of the current two offerings, just a polite request.Thank you.

Mr M Tiger said...

N=23 on a w=sunny day. We divided into legally sized clumps and spread ourselves out.
Bluebells were just starting to come out, except in a later wood where they were out out. There was celandine, wooden enemies, violets. Quite a pleasant visit to the Scarlett Arms where some ate and others just drank. It was declared good. Even the little dead fish with starey eyes.
The fore-mentioned bluebell wood should be regarded as this walk’s Bermuda Triangle. A certain walks correspondent went adrift there before and did so again today, dragging another walker with him. New territory was covered and a donkey was met. Warnham was eventually reached but the Sussex Oak had no room for weary stragglers so we continued to the station and home

Mr M Tiger said...

News just in. After a dramatic recount, make that n=24
I have also become aware that the 'Bermuda Triangle' is only likely to ensnare those still using the book directions. Much clearer online.

Anonymous said...

A wonderful walk in bright sunshine . Lovely to be able to sit in a pub garden again with good company .The chips at the lunchtime pub were the best I have ever eaten A wonderful detour in the afternoon enhanced the experience Jane