The Trip:
4 scheduled daywalks
(with one easier alternative on the Sunday), plus a short warm-up walk on the first
evening, finishing with a drink or two and a meal, if you fancy. All are optional,
of course, and all but the Sunday walk can be done as day walks from London, returning
the same day.
All can be done based in either Sheffield or along any of the stops
along the Hope Valley line. Transport options for both these bases are
mentioned in the walk posts.
can also easily make a longer holiday of it in this prime walking country.
The SWC site alone has 13 fully written-up walks to choose from, and every shop
up there will offer you guide books and maps for even more options.
The train times shown in the walk posts should be final as they are already on the Nat Rail Journey Planner.
The bus times though are prone to changes from the quoted times. I will check and amend them a few weeks before the walks.
bus and train times checked and updated indicates a timetable change for the 257 via Ladybower Inn after Easter (it's not showing on the bus companies' website yet though). This means that the buses depart a little earlier than posted before, AND that the morning bus from the Hope Valley does NOT travel via Grindleford and Hathersage, but through Bradwell and Hope instead.
If you are staying in Hathersage or Grindelford, therefore you have to find a way across to Bamford or to Sheffield for the bus.
The evening buses route through Grindleford and Hathersage though...
All in then, all went well, despite a bus not running and the wind being very strong on the tops. Said wind made for very clear air and great views, at least...
And with those strong winds, some rough paths and strenuous routes, upland peat bogs and picnic lunches, this seemed a great prep for the 6 day Braemar extravaganza coming up in less than 3 weeks. All that was missing was any rain, sleat, hail or snow.
Not many others seemed to agree: only a handful of the 31 going to Braemar did 3 or more of the day walks here. See you there, with higher mountains, rougher paths, longer routes and (very likely) fiercer weather...
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