Length: 18.8 km (11.7
miles). The proposed walk is a slight variation on the
Lewes via West Firle circular, finishing in Southease. It incorporates an extension from West Firle to Charleston Farmhouse and climbs to the South Downs Way from there, soon rejoining the published route to Southease.
Other options are detailed in the directions.
Difficulty: 7 out of 10
Trains: Catch the 9.54 Ore train from London Victoria (Clapham Junction 10.01, East Croydon 10.10), arriving Lewes 10.56.
Return trains from Southease are at 15.04, 16.05, 17.07, 18.07. Change at Lewes for trains to Victoria. Change again at Hayward’s Heath if going to London Bridge.
Buy a day return to Southease unless you plan to finish somewhere else. There are cheaper advance single tickets available if you are confident of finishing the walk at a particular time.
The walk starts in the historic town of Lewes with the early section having fine views over the town and castle. The section along the South Downs Way offers extensive views both inland and towards the port of Newhaven with the Channel beyond.
The extension to Charleston Farmhouse offers a chance to enjoy the garden there which should be full of spring flowers and to visit the farmhouse (see website).
From there, carry on eastward for approximately 200 meters to Tilton farm on your right. There is a wooded path to the left of the farm buildings which leads up onto the South Downs Way. Turn right on the SDW and follow it past Firle Beacon, soon rejoining the Lewes circular route to Southease.
Lunch: The suggested lunch pub is the Ram Inn (tel 01273 858222) in Firle. The cafe at Charleston also has some lunch options as well as tea and cakes. Picnic in Firle or at Charleston.
Tea: The YHA cafe at Southease or the station cafe at Lewes.
N=11 off the train in Lewes plus a dog in her full winter coat which she needed in the w=cold-wind-with-intermittent-sun-and-clouds drifting over it. We took the high road to Glynde and the front group disappeared from sight, omitting to turn right and carrying on for a while before realising they'd gone too far. The rearguard stayed on track and were not far from the Firle when the fast group caught up. Two people lunched in the Ram and waited a long time for their food to arrive. A third joined them to have chips which arrived very quickly.The picnickers moved on and most stopped at the café in Charleston. Three or four had sped ahead to catch the 16.07 train from Southease. Others set off as they finished their coffees. Two lingered over tea and cake, had a quick look around the garden and set off apace to catch the 17.05 which they did with just minutes to spare along with the two pub lunchers who caught up right at the end and some earlier arrivals who had visited the YHA cafe. It was an enjoyable walk despite the cold wind. The steep ascents at the start and after lunch kept us warm and we had nice views of the sea in the afternoon reflecting patches of blue and raising prospects of summer.
My directions from Charleston were not completely accurate though nobody went astray. It should have read 'Leaving Charleston farmhouse,follow the driveway east for 200 meters. Just before a field gate, take the paved lane to your right, follow it past Tilton farm buildings on your left. Continue up to a T-junction and go straight across to follow an earth track through an initially wooded area up onto to the South Downs Way. The path winds left offering a gentler gradient to the top where you turn right on the SDW.
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