This walk consists of two loops around the attractive Kent
village of Shoreham, nestling in the valley carved out of the North
Downs by the River Darent. There is a good mix of woodland and open countryside
with some fine views from the steep-sided hills overlooking the valley,
interspersed with easier stretches along the valley floor.
Length: Main Walk: 20 km (12.4 miles). Alternative Walk: 15¼ km (9.4 miles). Shorter options detailed in the directions..
Toughness: 6 out of 10 for the main walk (4 for the Alternative Walk, 3 for the Short Walks).
Trains: Take the 9.55 train from London Victoria to Otford where you change for the 10.35 train to Shoreham arriving 10.38. Or, the 9.43 train from Blackfriars gets you to Shoreham for 10:40 with lots of stops in south east London along the way.
Return trains from Shoreham run at xx:08 and xx:38 to Blackfriars. Change at Bickley for Victoria trains. There are also trains at xx:10 to Sevenoaks where you can change for connections to London Bridge. Or, at xx:40 there is a train to Otford where you can get a train back to Victoria.Tea: There are options in Shoreham, Otford and Lullingstone.
For more detailed information click L=swc.289
N=11 set off from Shoreham station having agreed to follow the main walk's northern loop in the morning and review options for the afternoon over lunch. The going was very good with firm paths and no mud worth mentioning. All visited the chapel in the grounds of Lullingstone castle where a couple of locals talked to us about its features and the families buried there. From there, we carried on to Shoreham where 7 or so managed to get squeezed in for lunch in the Crown while 3 picnicked outside the village hall (there are picnic tables around the back). Two of those decided not to do the afternoon loop,one went to join the others in the pub. Another had gone ahead to picnic in the churchyard before continuing to Otford where he finished the walk. Some of the pub group set off on the afternoon loop. They may wish to add to this report. Three caught the 14.38 train. Weather was w=bright-and-breezy.
A few of us did the main afternoon route, which was very scenic. It was so nice to have firm paths to walk on again - there were only a couple of short muddy patches but they were drying up and we could get around the edge.
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