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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 2 February 2025

Sunday walk: Saunderton to Princes Risborough via Bledlow

Length: 13 km 8.1 miles. Toughness: 3/10
A variant of the Saunderton/Bledlow Chilterns walk, following an S-shaped route to Princes Risborough. It shares the same mid-section and lunch pub but the start and end are different. 
Directions: Start with the alternative “Finish in Princes Risborough “ directions (these take you over the main road, along the other side of the valley then back over to briefly join the main directions). Then, after lunch in the Lions, the alternative directions take you to Princes Risborough station.
(On leaving the pub, turn right, back down the road 560m to a T junction. Here, rejoin the alternative directions at “In 400 metres at a T junction turn left down the road”) 
Both alternative sections are on the GPS route.
Trains: Get the 9:53 from Marylebone arriving Saunderton 10:52
3 trains an hour from Princes Risborough (xx:12 xx:22, and a slower train at xx:51).
Lunch: The Lions Bledlow 01844 343 345. 
Bledlow's Lyde Garden is worth a quick visit and is a possible picnic place. The entrance is near the church. 
Note that the Whip Inn in Lacey Green has closed.
Tea Following the “into Princes Risborough” directions over the rail bridge would bring you to the Bird in Hand at the other side of the station  01844 345602  


David Colver said...

The forecast had yesterday as sunny and today as overcast, but it turned out the other way round, with #bright-sunshine providing the #8 with long views all day. Trains worked as scheduled. Mud was confined to two or three areas.

Opinions vary on the designated lunch stop. I gave it a conscious swerve, as did others, having found it dilapidated and barely sanitary on a previous occasion. To be fair there was some evidence of long-needed fresh paint at the front and kitchen refitting at the back. Others see it charming and characterful, and at least three went in. I hope they will report what they found.

Mr M Tiger said...

N=8 A w=sunny day.
A fairly brisk pace had most at the Lions by about 1:15 with a straggler not far behind. Predictably, there were muddy patches, the most noticeable being the fenced-in path and quaggy field before Princes Ris.
4 (or was it 5?) went in the Lions where service seemed good and the food was liked. At least two walkers have this pub on their favourites list. Mr Tiger splashed out on some chips. Beer was good and a kindly benefactor provided chocolate. The others had raced on, leaving 4 at the back. At Princes Ris, one headed straight for the platform. The others went to the Bird in Hand. Beer was good here, too. As we had finished earlyish, there was time for more than one beverage. Mr Tiger started with a Chilterns Black followed by a Rosie’s Pig for ‘pudding’. Concerns he might get rowdy on the train home were unfounded and the journey passed without incident.
Another grand day out.

Mr M Tiger said...

If any of you fast people lost a hat, I picked one up. Assumed it blew off in your slipstream.