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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Sunday Walk - Dover to Deal or Sandwich

Stargazer is (still) away

Length: 17.7 km (11.0 mi) or 26.2 km (16.3 mi) to Sandwich 
Ascent/Descent: 393m 
Net Walking Time: ca. 4 ¼ hours or 5 ¾ hours to Sandwich 
Toughness: 5 out of 10 or 7 out of 10 to Sandwich 
Sunset will be at 17.12, giving good light for walking to 17.45. The last 10-15 minutes on the Sandwich option are in town. This leaves one hour for lunch on the Sandwich option.
Take the 10.04 Deal train from St. Pancras I’nal (Stratford I’nal 10.12) arriving Dover Priory 11.13. 
Return trains from Deal: xx.27 (87 minutes to St Pancras). 
Return trains from Sandwich: none! There is a rail replacement bus to Deal at xx.00 (arrives xx.15). 
Buy a Sandwich return with High Speed Surcharge (same price as a Deal return). For a Super Off-Peak price: if the ticket machines do not show that option, try Southeastern's ticket window.
This simple walk (it should be impossible to get lost if you keep the sea on your right-hand side, once you have found it) is nevertheless one of the finest coastal walks in England, taking you right along the top of the famous White Cliffs of Dover. On a clear day, you get stunning views of the Channel, and the ferries buzzing in and out of Dover Harbour, and the French coast from Boulogne to Dunkerque.

There are two significant climbs, one out of Dover and the other out of St. Margaret's Bay. Otherwise, the terrain is level or gently undulating. The last quarter of the walk is totally flat, along a tranquil coast path behind the pebble beach of Deal. Though less dramatic than the White Cliffs, this section of the walk is full of historical and natural interest, passing Walmer and Deal castles, and a stunning display of coastal flora on Deal’s shingle beach.

“When using mobile phones on this walk, check they haven’t switched to a French network, as happens routinely at St. Margaret’s Bay, for example. Depending on your contract, you may incur roaming charges, and your phone may also switch to French time (one hour ahead of the UK).”

Extension to Sandwich - here is how I experienced it when I walked this: “Initially the beach is quite narrow just to your right, with the waves crashing a mere 20m away, then - once out of Deal – the route follows a longer stretch on the shingle seawall, with a links golf course on the left. You continue on tarmac from the Sandwich Bay Estate onwards, always with fine views of the Isle of Thanet and the (white) cliffs of Ramsgate ahead. Turn left along the Saxon Shore Way across the very scenic Royal St. George's Golf Course (well waymarked) and then cross or walk along several waterways, streams and ditches. Pretty and quiet, certainly very quiet compared to the hubbub that is Deal.” There are two sensible left turns into Sandwich from the coast, either along the Saxon Shore Way (as described above) or further along with the Stour Valley Walk.

Lunch: The Coastguard in St. Margaret’s Bay (7.7 km into the walk, food all day) or The Zetland Arms in Kingsdown (12.4 km into the walk, Shepherd Neame, food to 17.00). There are also three tea rooms and one tea kiosk in or around St. Margaret’s listed on the webpage. At least three of them appear to be open on winter Sundays, judging by recent online traces. 
Tea: plenty of options in Deal and Sandwich.
For walk directions, map, photos, height profile and gpx/kml files click here . T=2.30

1 comment:

Thomas G said...

All trains out of St P had about 15 mins delay this morning due to an earlier faulty train, so the n=2 of us only got going at 11.30. It was w=cold-with-grey-skies-and-rare-blue-windows
The air was a bit hazy so we failed to see beyond the shipping lane (i.e. the French coast). We arrived at The Coastguard at 1 and they had a table for us, for a long good meal in a friendly pub. Outside, we then encountered 3 people in the water, swimming, only one of which wore a neoprene suit! On up the cliffs and to Deal, passing the pier at 10 past 4. As we were keen on catching the 6 o'clock replacement bus, we took no chances on the route into Sandwich, and followed the lane from the Sandwich Bay Estate, rather than going along the slightly longer SSW.
A fine day out.