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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 2 April 2023

Sunday Walk: Cholsey to Goring (original walk)

Length 22.5km 14..6 miles. Difficulty 3/10
A chance to compare this walk to the other Cholsey - Goring walk, posted recently. The two have little in common other than where they start and finish. This walk takes in sections of the Ridgeway, and the Berkshire Downs and, if you go the whole hog, visits a Thameside pub associated with Wind in the Willows and Three Men in a Boat. For me, however, the highlight is the quaint village of Blewbury with its thatched cottages and peculiar thatched walls. The walk can be shortened to about 12 miles by following the Ridgeway into Streatley (see below).
Take the 9:50 Didcot Parkway train from Paddington, and change at Reading onto a slower, stopping Didcot Parkway train (arr 10:19 platform 9, depart 10:28 plat 3). This gets you to Cholsey at 10:42.
Earlier birds can take that slower Didcot Parkway train all the way from Paddington at 9:28. This train stops at Ealing Broadway (9:37) and plenty other points west.
Return trains from Goring and Streatley are hourly at xx:00. Get a return to Cholsey.
The Elizabeth line only goes as far as Maidenhead today. Freedom passers could travel free as far as there and get a Maidenhead to Cholsey return. Paddington 9:11, Ealing Broadway 9:19. Arrive Maidenhead 9:48, change to the 10:00 Didcot PW train..
The Red Lion, Blewbury 01235 850 403 is recommended. There is another pub in Blewbury, The Blueberry 01235 850 296  It’s on the London Road near the Pound. 
Tea The Beetle and Wedge, by the Thames in Moulsford 01491 651381 open till 4. The Swan at Streatley 01491 878800 is another riverside pub, nearer the end, in Streatley.
There's more in Goring. Mr Tiger's preference, the Catherine Wheel on Station Road and the Miller of Mansfield on the High Street.
Walk Directions  here
Anyone wanting a shorter ending could cut out the loop going through Moulsford and stay on the Ridgeway at the asterisk [*] in the directions (i.e. don't turn left, off it). The Ridgeway rejoins the walk route in Streatley. This option is not in the directions. You would need to follow the Ridgeway signs. This would clip about 4.53 km /2.81 miles off the walk length. t=swc.49

1 comment:

gouldman said...

Two off the train and one plus dog by motorcar. #3 in #cloudy-am-sunny-pm. One lunched at the Red Lion and pronounced it fine. 1700 train back to the Great Wen.