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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 17 April 2022

Pulborough to Petworth or Pulborough Circular via Petworth

SWC Walk 128:  Pulborough to Petworth or back to Pulborough t=swc.128

Distance:  Various options available:

Pulborough to Petworth (bus return):  9.6 – 11.8 miles/15.5 – 19km

Pulborough Circular via Petworth: 14.8 – 16.3 miles/ 24 – 26 km

Difficulty:  6 out of 10 for Pulborough to Petworth; 7 or 8 out of 10 for Pulborough Circular

Train:  Take the 9:35 AM Portsmouth Harbour train from London Bridge (YES, London Bridge) (stopping at East Croydon at 9:53), arriving at Pulborough at 10:51.  If returning from Petworth, you will need to take Stagecoach bus number 1 – it departs Petworth at 14:44; 16:44 and 18:44 and arrives at Pulborough Station at 57 past the hour. Return trains from Pulborough are at 04 past the hour until 22:04. Buy a day return to Pulborough. 

This walk is a varied and interesting excursion from Pulborough to Petworth House, one of the National Trust’s most impressive properties. The outbound route takes you through some woods which are rumored to have bluebells. Once in Petworth, you can optionally explore Petworth Park. For those doing the circular route, the return route is more open with good views of the South Downs before eventually arriving on the outskirts of Pulborough at the lovely ancient bridge in Stopham. You can find more information about the walk and download the walk instructions here.

There are two pubs and some other options in Petworth for lunch 7.5 miles/12 km into the walk (see walk notes for details). However, being Easter Sunday, I would recommend bringing some provisions as these venues may be fully booked. 

For those doing the circular route, tea and other late afternoon refreshments can be had at the White Hart in Stopham (1.4 miles/2.3 km before the end) which is open until 18:00 on Sundays.    

Happy Easter!



Anonymous said...

Hi all

Is someone planning to do a long circular walk tomorrow? I would like to do a kind walk tomorrow but don’t want to go on my own.

Thank you

JohnL said...

If you only want to do one way there are buses on Sunday departing Petworth Sheepdown Drive at 14:44, 16:44 and 18:44 towards Pulborough and Worthing, Journey time about 15 min to Pulborough Station. Walk East along New Street which becomes Angel Street. Bus stop is 200m along Angel Street at Junction with Sheepdown Drive.

Note that the bus stop in Market Square is no longer in use for Eastbound buses. (In the past the Eastbound bus used to do a loop on the one way system.)

JohnL said...

N=4 Three at the station one started at the lunch pub and walked back to meet us. W= dry_and_sunny. One went ahead to get a an early bus for part of the return route
Two had lunch at the Star sitting outside in the sun. Food was good but my spies tell me that The Angel is the best in Petworth. A low turnout for this enjoyable walk maybe walkers had been out on Friday and Saturday.