Length: 17km (10m)
Toughness: 3 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:25 train from London Bridge to Ockley arriving at 10:42. Return trains from Warnham at xx:18 and x:48. There are 5 trains / hour from Horsham at various speeds. Buy a day return to Warnham or to Horsham, depending on where you want to return from. Horsham gives you both options.
This is a relaxed walk through mostly wooded areas with hopefully some early bluebells. Just before arriving at the lunch pub you pass a lonely church in the middle of nowhere, a lovely picnic spot. There is an optional extension to Horsham which adds another 3km to the walk.
11 at the station, though a later count made it 15. A late starter joined at the church and another caught us up at Warnham Station. That makes n=13 right? (turns out 4 of the 15 were another group that got intertwingled).
A w=sunny day. The woods were a picture with bluebells, wood anemones and a dash of celandine, forget-me-not, and violet. The whole works. And someone saw an orchid.
Some went to the Scarlett Arms for lunch, others stayed at the church in the woods. A more arduous afternoon followed, with one or two ridiculously high stiles.
After a languorous stop at the Sussex Oak, 7 went on to Horsham and 5 to Warnham Station , where number 13 joined.
A grand day out
I abandoned my colleagues on my posted walk (Billingshurst to Amberley) today - Saturday 23 April - and instead did Dirk's posted walk a week later - for the bluebells. They were full on - superb - with plentiful fields of wooden "Ms" as well, with wild garlic in the woods coming along nicely. For the record, there was a group of friends - 8 in the thirties - following a print off of our directions, plus one solo walker with dog armed with the TO Book. All of us had lunch at the Scarlett Arms - and very good it was, too. A lovely sunny day with a breeze. A perfect bluebell walk.
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