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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 16 April 2022

Ockley to Warnham / Horsham


Length: 17km (10m)
Toughness: 3 / 10
Transport: Take the 9:25 train from London Bridge to Ockley arriving at 10:42. Return trains from Warnham at xx:18 and x:48. There are 5 trains / hour from Horsham at various speeds. Buy a day return to Warnham or to Horsham, depending on where you want to return from. Horsham gives you both options.

This is a relaxed walk through mostly wooded areas with hopefully some early bluebells. Just before arriving at the lunch pub you pass a lonely church in the middle of nowhere, a lovely picnic spot. There is an optional extension to Horsham which adds another 3km to the walk.


Mr M Tiger said...

11 at the station, though a later count made it 15. A late starter joined at the church and another caught us up at Warnham Station. That makes n=13 right? (turns out 4 of the 15 were another group that got intertwingled).
A w=sunny day. The woods were a picture with bluebells, wood anemones and a dash of celandine, forget-me-not, and violet. The whole works. And someone saw an orchid.
Some went to the Scarlett Arms for lunch, others stayed at the church in the woods. A more arduous afternoon followed, with one or two ridiculously high stiles.
After a languorous stop at the Sussex Oak, 7 went on to Horsham and 5 to Warnham Station , where number 13 joined.
A grand day out

Marcus said...

I abandoned my colleagues on my posted walk (Billingshurst to Amberley) today - Saturday 23 April - and instead did Dirk's posted walk a week later - for the bluebells. They were full on - superb - with plentiful fields of wooden "Ms" as well, with wild garlic in the woods coming along nicely. For the record, there was a group of friends - 8 in the thirties - following a print off of our directions, plus one solo walker with dog armed with the TO Book. All of us had lunch at the Scarlett Arms - and very good it was, too. A lovely sunny day with a breeze. A perfect bluebell walk.