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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Wednesday, 12 April 2023

Leigh to Sevenoaks

Length: 14.5 km (9 miles) 5/10 

This is one of the few walks in Book 1 I haven't done so I thought we could give it a go today, after reports that the underfoot moisture quotient in the area has lessened in recent days. It looks like classic Kent scenery in the morning with woodland, the Greensand Way and a familiar finish through Knole Park in the afternoon.

Travel: 1001 from Charing Cross (London Bridge 1009, Sevenoaks 1033) to Tonbridge (1041) where you change on to the 1101 to Redhill, arriving Leigh 1105. If you feel like living dangerously you could get the 1008 - also from Charing Cross - giving you 8 minutes to change at Tonbridge.

Frequent returns from Sevenoaks. Get a return to Leigh and make sure it covers travel via Tonbridge.

Lunch: the White Rock pub (tel 01732 833 112), Underriver, some 8.7 km into the walk, serves food from midday to 3.00 pm on weekdays. According to the walk page, this pub "used to be one of the most unfriendly establishments on our SWC walks, but currently (2022) the staff and management are walker friendly and hospitable - and the quality of the food and choice of draught beer is good".

Tea: Numerous options in Sevenoaks. Malabar (tel 01732 743055) is recommended. There is also the recently refurbished Brewhouse Tearoom in Knole House (tel 01732 450 608) which has its own entrance in the north wall of the house, without the need to pay an entrance fee.

For walk directions, map and GPX click here



Walker said...

For tea, Sevenoaks now also has a Gails - great cakes and it stays open later than other places. Not far from the Malabar.

Boonster said...

#7 at the station plus one catching us up so #8 in total. It started sunny, and although rain threatened as we approached Underiver, it remained dry until mid afternoon by which time most were at the end of the walk.

As expected there was plenty of mud, but we were treated to bluebells as we made our way through a series of small woods. As the morning wore on it became quite windy, and thunder rumbled ominously. 5 of us took refuge in the church for our picnics, and 2 lunched in the pub at Underiver. After lunch we trudged up a steep muddy bridleway up onto the Greensand way and then into Knole Park.

2 of us had cake and hot drinks in the Malabar Coffee house when we arrived in Sevenoaks before dashing through the rain to catch a fast train back to London Bridge.

A good day out with better than expected weather, thanks to Sandy for posting.

Marcus said...

The two of us who enjoyed an excellent lunch at the White Rock pub in Underriver timed our arrival in Knole Park to perfection, having fought our way up that revoltingly muddy bridleway which sucked up one of my.walking boots at one point. The heavens opened, hail then thunder and lightning - we got the best soaking ever, out in the open parkland with no shelter ! We skipped tea and arrived sodden at Sevenoaks railway station. Apologies to South Eastern Rail for our leaving puddles on the train..........

But as Boonster has mentioned, it was a good day out !

Sandy said...
