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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Wednesday Walk - Knebworth circular

19.9km (12.4 miles) 4/10

I recall this walk to be a good one for the time of year and a top snowdrop walk. There may also be deer. Knebworth Hall and park are interesting and you may hear reminiscences from any rock fans in the group. There is a fair bit of road walking but that may not be a bad thing if it has been wet.

Travel: 0957 from Kings Cross (Finsbury Park 1003) arriving at Knebworth 1034. Return trains at 12 and 42.

Lunch: Unlike last year the Bull Inn in Whitwell (tel 01438 871254), is serving food from 12 to 2.30 (tel 01438 871254) and seems to have some reasonably priced pub classics on offer. Emily's tea shop (tel 01438 871929) was visited last time and would also be worth a try. The main walk webpage has suggestions for earlier and later stopping places.

Tea: various recommendations in Knebworth on the walk webpage.

For walk directions, map and GPX click here


1 comment:

Sandy said...

A smattering of rain greeted the #12 walkers on their arrival at Knebworth but it soon stopped, the rest of the day being #grey-and-dull. We saw plenty of snowdrops, geese, an impressive herd of deer on the skyline in Knebworth Park, and one egret. Finches and thrushes were also heard. We encountered a large number of different forms and consitencies of mud: in one field, pounds of clay accumulated on our boots, but it was later washed off by huge puddles in a completely waterlogged section just before the final road section.
Five of us visited the Bull in Whitwell, where three ate and reported that the food was excellent in quality, value and speed of service - good to remember for next time. They were also happy for the other two of us to have our sandwiches in the garden.
The others moved on and picnicked "under a tree" but nealry all were reunited for at least one drink in thr welcoming Station pub before going home.