14 km (8.7 miles) or 21.5 km/13.4 miles if you feel like a longer walk; 4-7/10
This walk was posted on one of the Storm Darragh days, and the trains weren't running. So I hope you don't mind if we give it another try. There have been other recent walks in the Darenth Valley, but not much overlap with this one which in my opinion covers the best bits at this time of year.
There are a number of options on the main walk page. Option C is suggested, with lunch in Shoreham and missing out Otford, partly because it leaves out some of the potentially muddiest parts, but by all means give the full walk a try if you fancy a longer outing.
Travel: the quickest option is the 0955 from Victoria, changing at Bromley South on to the 1023 to Sevenoaks, arriving Eynsford at 1041. This second train is a Thameslink stopping service so you could pick it up from St Pancras (0937), Blackfriars (0946), Denmark Hill (0958) or numerous other stops. Returns at 05 and 35 - there will be options to change on to quicker trains on the way back too.
Lunch: plenty of choice in Shoreham – the options are described in detail on the main walk page.
Tea: We might get to the Lullingstone Café in the Country Park Visitor Centre (01322-865995; open to 3pm weekdays in winter) in time for a tea stop. In Eynsford, the Plough Inn (01322-862281) has a fine riverside location. On the main road towards the station there is The Malt Shovel (01322-862164) The detour towards the Castle passes The Five Bells (01322-863135) and the Castle Hotel (01322-633917).
For walk directions, map and GPX click here and choose option C
I should have mentioned that there are a number of other options in between the short posted walk and the full 21km circular, for instance option D would give a longer afternoon after going to Shoreham for lunch (but would miss out the Lullingstone Visitor Centre cafe)
Stop press - the Thameslink train is starting at Blackfriars 0946 so will not be calling at St Pancras or anywhere else north of Blackfriars
There were #16 on this walk one on early train and one on a later train. #cloudy_mild_some_fog . It was not too muddy but guite slippery in places. Five had lunch at the Kings Arms some of us had the 2 course pensioners lunch for £14:00 and the beer was back on so all is forgiven from my last report of eating here. School netball pick up duty and other commitments left no time for the afternoon so three got the train back from Shoreham. As always the Darenth Valley is a pleasant walking area close to London
Many of us picknicked at the church in Shoreham where a 17th walker caught us up having been on a later train. As it was before 1, nearly all decided to do a longer afternoon route but I needed to get back so two of us carried on the shorter valley route.
Near Castle Farm we met walker #18 who had started from Shoreham. Having missed the morning she wanted a longer walk so we parted company again and the two of us headed home on the 1505. I hear others visited at least one pub in Eynsford.
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