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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 28 December 2024

Saturday Walk - Dormans to Lingfield

Length: 16¾ km (10.4 miles). Three hours 45 minutes walking time. 2 out of 10. T=swc.329

This walk in the south-eastern corner of Surrey essentially consists of two near-circular walks linked together. The first loop is around the fringes of a historically interesting housing development to the south of Dormans station, with the outward path showing the cuttings, embankments and viaducts needed to build a railway through this undulating countryside. The second loop goes through a Local Nature Reserve and farmland in the low-lying countryside to the north of Lingfield.

After a circuit of the estate and a brisk gallop up the long straight of Lingfield Park Racecourse, a woodland bridleway brings you into the large village of Lingfield. The suggested lunchtime pub is on the edge of the Old Town conservation area, which contains many well-preserved 16th–18thC buildings clustered around the grand parish church.

Trains: Get the 0950 East Grinstead Train (Clapham 0957, East Croydon 1010) arriving Dormans at 1044. Return trains at xx10, xx40. Buy a return to Dormans.

Lunch: In Lingfield the walk route goes past The Star (01342-832364) after 8 km. It is just outside the picturesque Old Town, has a large garden and serves good food all day. There is a churchyard by The Star for picnics.

Tea: The suggested tea place in Lingfield is Costa Coffee open to 6pm on East Grinstead Road, near the village pond. A nearby alternative is the Red Rum Caffé open to 4pm or the Greyhound pub. You could also make another visit to The Star, the closest place to the station.

Note that the station is at least 1 km from the centre of the village; 2 km if you take the suggested route via the water meadow, though water meadows may not be ideal at this time of year....,.

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