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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Bishopstone to Eastbourne

CW2 28 Bishopstone to Eastbourne

Length: 23.7 km (14.7 miles). Toughness: 9/10
Shortcut option - finish at Birling Gap: 14.5km (9 miles)

Catch the 10:24 from London Victoria arrives Bishopstone 11:44 (change at Lewes arr. 11:27, dep. 11:31). Buy a day return to Eastbourne. Lunch at the The Cuckmere Inn (alternatively there is a café nearby at the visitors centre). 

Due to the time of year, it may not be possible to complete the walk in daylight. That said the route is straightforward and manageable. However if you are in any doubt then you should take the coastal bus from East Dean* to  Eastbourne. (Route from Bishopstone to Seaford. Left from the station towards the coast to then continue east along the coastal path to Seaford.)

* From Birling Gap head N for 2km to East Dean to pick up bus to Eastbourne.
12A xx:16 xx:36 xx:56    12X xx:03 xx:23 xx:43

Return xx:05 xx:33 until 22:05



DAC said...

Intend going.

Austen said...

Why the late start?

If I do this walk, I will look for a train at 09.24.


Rich said...

Intend starting from Polegate at 9:48 and joining you for lunch. Rich

E said...

Think this is how to submit a walk report...

Two walkers met at Lewes (after arriving on an earlier train than the one posted) and then got the designated train to Bishopstone. Another SWC walker appeared later on Seaford Head, having walked from Polegate, making a total of #3. All then made their way along the River Cuckmere to the inn for a pleasant lunch stop.

Then on to walking the Sisters next to a calm blue-grey-turquoise-indigo sea on a #cloudy-but-still day. Saw a kestrel (maybe two) and skylarks. Midway, stopped at Birling Gap cafe for a welcomed cream tea. Due to recent rockfall/coastal erosion, the cafe had been relocated to what was the visitor centre (this was proposed a year ago by the Trust -). The beach had also been closed off. Fortified with cream tea, we continued on to Eastbourne, descending from the hills at dusk (on a path between lots of Exmoor/Shetland type ponies) to a peaceful seafront. Nice day. Thanks D & R - E.

Thomas G said...

Plus 2 early starters, so n=5 (as told today)