Length: 20km (12m)
Toughness: 4 / 10
Transport: Take the 8:54 from London Waterloo to Alton arriving 10:10. Return trains at xx:44
A nice walk through the tranquil Hampshire countryside via the charming village of Selborne. The Selborne Arms serves lunch until 14:00. On return to Alton you pass the home of Jane Austen.
1 comment:
N=3 on a w=hot-sunny day. Mostly - but not entirely- mud free. Although I have done this walk several times I had forgotten most of it. We nearly went adrift near St John’s Hill, where a large area had been taken over by dogs. They were everywhere. Some sort of event.
Lunch at the Selborne Arms, cider for Mr Tiger. There was talk of visiting the famed naturalists house but the combination of price and time required deterred us. So we set off up Gilbert Whites zig zag path. I counted 28 zigs (14 zigzags) but there were probably more.
Eventually we reached Farringdon. You know me readers, one cider’s enough for me but, as the others suggested another pitstop, the Rose and Crown it was.
Afterwards, we marvelled at the 3000 year old yew. Then headed for Chawton where Jane Austen’s house was just closing. Then a leisurely dash to Alton, catching the 17:44 with only minutes to spare. A long but enjoyable day, arduous in the heat.
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