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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 22 April 2023

Wadhurst Circular

Distance: 11.8 miles

 See walk notes for Short Walk: 6.2 miles/ 10.0 km

 Difficulty: 4 out of 10

 Train: 9.38 from Charing X; 9.47 depart from London Bridge  arrives Wadhurst 10.43

 Return Trains: 25 and 51 mins past the hour

 Buy a day return to Wadhurst

 This is a lovely walk through the High Weald – designated An Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. 

 Lunch:  Suggested lunch pub for the standard walk is The Rose & Crown Inn (tel 01435 872200), Mayfield 8km from the start of the walk.

Another option is The Middle House, Mayfield 01435 872146

For the Short walk you can try The White Hart (tel 01892 782878), Wadhurst 7km from the start of the walk,

 There are plenty of places along the route for a picnic.

Plenty of tea options in Wadhurst

 Full details on this walk, including map, GPX, short route etc can be found here: L=2.18


1 comment:

Walker said...

12 at the start of this walk, but two others soon joined us, so n=14 in all. Unexpectedly the morning was largely sunny and so was the second half of the afternoon, with cloud only around lunchtime. So w=mostly-sunny, shall we say.

This is a lovely walk in glorious terrain, but oh, the hills! Long ascents followed by long descents. Then repeat. Quite a lot of mud too. It may only be twelve miles (ten to Wadhurst village) but it felt a lot longer. The walk poster sensibly responded to this by doing the short walk (she had an evening engagement): the rest of us (as far as I know) did the main route.

Lots of nature to see as we trudged along. Some bluebells, loads of celandines, primroses, dandelions. Great pink drifts of cuckoo flower and occasional clumps of the local speciality - coralroot. One wood anemone wood in the afternoon still largely in flower, and carpets of violets on more than one occasion. All that was missing from my point of view were butterflies. Where are all the butterflies this year? But five orange tips (one female) provided some compensation in the afternoon.

At lunch I had the odd experience for a Saturday walk of sitting in solitary splendour outside the Rose and Crown having my chilli and nachos. Eventually five others joined me. Two had pub lunches, three drinks. A contingent of picknickers came past with sheepish looks on their faces, which indicated that they were planning to slink off and leave us behind. Which they did.

In the afternoon we encountered a large footbridge tipped on its side. Four crossed this like sailors edging out along a spar. One did a diversion. I splashed across the river (it was not deep).

Approaching the Shining City on the Hill (Wadhurst village), we got fragmented. Two went to the Greyhound, two to the White Hart and I got a takeaway tea from Jempsons and took it to the sunny churchyard. Two of us then had a golden evening walk down the back lanes and got the 18.51 train. The rest got the 18.00 bus and the 18.25 train, presumably.