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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday, 23 December 2018

Sunday Walk: Cromwellian country and the Great Ouse

Huntingdon Circular – omitting Houghton Meadows

Length: 15km (9.3 miles) Toughness: 1 out of 10

10:11 Peterborough train from Kings Cross (Finsbury Park 10:17) arriving Huntingdon at 11:12.

Return trains are on the hour (journey time 63 minutes) Buy a Super Off-Peak Day Return.

This is an easy walk along the great Ouse river to the attractive village of Houghton and its restored water mill, returning through water meadows and a nature reserve.

TheCromwell Museum, in Huntingdon (free entry) is well worth a visit but closes at 3:00pm so you’ll need to visit it before starting the walk. Omitting the loop around Houghton Meadows today should allow time for this, but if you find the light is failing towards the end, you can complete the last stretch along lit roads rather than unlit footpaths. It might seem tempting to arrive in Huntingdon earlier to allow time for the museum, but it doesn’t open until 11:00am so banish that thought from your mind.

The suggested lunch stop is the Three Jolly Butchers (01480 463228) in Wyton after 6.5km. The Three Horseshoes Inn (01480 462470) in Houghton is an alternative.

More information, including the walk directions, can be found here .


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the sound of this..anyone else going?