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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday 27 November 2021

Farewell to Autumn: Chorleywood to Chesham


Length: 16km (10m)
Toughness: 5 / 10
Transport: Take either the train from London Marylebone to Chorleywood, leaving at 10:27 and arriving at 10:54, or, take the Metropolitan Line from e.g. Bakerstreet to Chorleywood, leaving at 10:17 and arriving at 10:58. Return trains from Chesham are at xx:26 and xx:56.

A lovely walk in the tranquil Chess valley with one of the more quirky teashops at the end in Chesham: The Drawingroom.


Barbara said...

Hi, will anyone come to this walk? As the weather is not the most pleasant.

anon said...

no, incy wincy bit of snow or some high wind will probably cause havoc on both rail and met lines ๐Ÿ™„last time I braved rail travel in high winds got stuck for over 24 hrs!

Sarah H said...

N=7 gathered at the station off different trains, most wearing waterproofs for the morning section, and indeed, the last colour of autumn. The ground was fairly soft, but not excessively muddy, and there was light drizzle until lunch, but the weather gradually brightened throughout the day. W=grey_and_overcast_with low_cloud We enjoyed seeing the Alpacas that are now a feature of this walk. we all ate at the Bedford Arms in Chenies, which was welcoming, with a good menu and the consensus was ‘up market’. Some of the group stopped to admire the effigies in the church there, and the C19 ceiling, they lingered long enough for the organist to attempt to convert them to Christianity. Leaf coved the paths which could be slippery, the rolling hills gave good viewpoints to the valley and manor house, and of course the chess river. There was for sure an icy wind from the north, as we hastened into Chesham, and Costa Coffee before the train home.