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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Sunday 12 May 2024

Sunday Walk: Petts Wood Circular

12km (8m) Difficulty 1/10
An easy and pleasant walk through woodlands to the SE of London. Petts Wood was saved from developers in the early part of the 20th century. Scadbury Park was once owned by Tudor bigwigs and the ruins of their manor house can still be seen. The park is now a Nature Reserve. An optional extension leads to the Chislehurst Caves with a history stretching back to the 13th Century.
Trains  Get the 10:10 Sevenoaks train from Charing Cross (London Bridge 10:20) arriving Petts Wood 10:48.
Trains return to Charing Cross at xx:24 & xx:54. Petts Wood is in zone 5.
Lunch The Bull's Head in Chislehurst (02084671727)  Booking advised.
Tea: Coffee X, on the east side of the station in Station Square, is recommended. Open to 5.
I have also heard tell of a micropub, Oneinnthewood  on the other side of the station. Open Sundays till 9.
Walk directions:
Chislehurst Caves:  020 8467 3264 Open till 4. Entry by guided tour only - on the hour, every hour - last tour at 4, £8 (£6 for seniors). Booking advised but timed tickets can be purchased on arrival. “Not suitable for those with a fear of mannequins”. They, too, have a café.   T=swc.309 

1 comment:

Mark R said...

Six on the specified train, two drivers, and one on a later train makes #9 for this short and easy walk. Early on one experienced walker inexplicably headed off in the wrong direction and was not seen again until the lunch pub. Four stopped to eat packed lunches then joined the other five in the pub where the roasts looked good. This walk is mostly in woodland which provided relief on this #warm-and-sunny day. Very little mud.
One departed after lunch, one veered off to the caves, one for the train, two drove off, two for coffee, and two for the micropub which was very pleasant with a good selection of beers and ciders at reasonable prices.