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This Week's Walks - Archive

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Sunday, 19 February 2023

Sunday Walk: Gerrards Cross to Cookham

9.6 miles 15.4 km Difficulty 2/10
An initial stretch through Bulstrode Park, then past woods, lakes and through Egypt Wood and Burnham Beeches to a pub in Littleworth Common. (An optional 1.5 mile diversion would take you deeper into Burnham Beeches but that may be a teensy bit long for the time of year). In the afternoon, there are more woods, than a stretch along the Thames into Cookham.
Cookham is associated with the artist Stanley Spencer and there is a small Spencer gallery in the town.
The journey back is on a different line and requires a different ticket. You may be able to buy both at Marylebone, but, if not, don't forget to buy the other at Cookham. An All-Zones Travelcard plus singles from and to Zone 6 may be cheaper.
Get the 10:12 Oxford train from Marylebone arriving Gerrards Cross 10:37
Return from Cookham at xx:16, changing at Maidenhead for Paddington. Buy a single from Marylebone to Gerards Cross and a single from Cookham to London.
Freedom Pass holders can return free from Maidenhead on the Elizabeth line xx:06 and xx:36, You’ll still need a ticket from Cookham to Maidenhead, and, of course, the outward bit to Gerrards Cross.
An early temptation, the White Horse in Hedgerley (01753) renowned  for its real ale. Errant walkers have been known to linger there for too long.
The directions, however, recommend continuing to the Jolly Woodman, 01753 644350. Advisable to phone. 
The optional diversion would take you past the Blackwood Arms first 01753 645672.
Tea:  there are a couple of tea shops in Cookham. Infusions on the High Street and the Teapot in Cleve Cottages. Several pubs too - the  Kings Arms 01628  530 667, the Bel and Dragon  01628  521 263 and two more on the way to the station.
It is 15-20 mins to  the station from the High St. so allow time for that and to get yer ticket.
Walk directions  here   t=1.40

1 comment:

Mr M Tiger said...

N=8 on a w=sunny day. Firm underfoot, apart from a mysteriously gloopy stretch along a fenced-in path. Snowdrops out in force, especially in the churchyards.
Just the basic walk today - no stop at the White Horse, no deeper delve into Burnham Beeches. But we did see a field full of little baby lambies. And their mummies.
The Woodman was fine. From there, one of our number sped on to get the 15:16. The rest of us had just entered Cookham by then. What to do for an hour? Some of us ended up in the Swan Uppers where Mr Tiger had the unenviable task of explaining swan-upping to an overseas visitor. He gave it his best shot.