T=swc.274 Out along the North Downs escarpment and back through the Greensand Hills
Length: Short Walk, omitting Friday Street : 16km (9.9 miles). The longer walk, via Wotton & Friday Street is 18.5 km (11.5 miles).
Difficulty: 4 out of 10 for the short walk, 6 out of 10 for the longer walk.
Trains: Catch the 10.02 train from London Waterloo (10:11 Clapham Junction) to arrive at Dorking 10.54.Trains back from Dorking are at xx:07 to Waterloo, xx:15, xx:45, to London Victoria.
Buy an all routes return to Dorking stations.
Lunch: The suggested lunch pub is The Wotton Hatch (01306-887694) on the A25 at Wotton, after 7½ km.
Tea: Various options in Dorking.
For more detailed information, follow the link L=swc.274
1 comment:
Eight emerged from the posted train and were joined by a car driver at Dorking station. We picked up the walk author as he alighted from his car near Dorking West. Another walker had taken a slightly later train from Victoria and caught up with us at lunchtime making a total of n=11 on this walk. It was w=cold _bright_and_sometimes_sunny. Fields covered in white frost amplified the light and the hardened ground meant we picked up very little mud. Bands of mist among the surrounding hills were not dispersed by the weak sunshine and there were many fine views of this winter landscape during the walk. The walk author left us to check the route to Gomshall and another walker also took a turn for Gomshall before the pub. Four went for a pub lunch, five had picnics. Three of those joined the pub lunchers before setting off again. Two set off to walk to Westcott and pick up a bus there. The 7 pub goers split into three sub groups after lunch and various trains were caught. A very pleasant day.
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