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This Week's Walks - Archive

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This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 4 March 2023

Guildford Circular via Chantries Hill - with a possible moonlight extension

Length: 20.3km (12.6 miles) - or 17.5km (10.9 miles) ending at Shalford T=swc.57

Catch the 9.45 train from Waterloo (9.52 Clapham Junction) to Guildford, arriving 10.23

Buy a day return to Guildford

Slugabed option: catch the 11.00 from Waterloo to Guildford, arriving 11.32 and then the 11.40 to Chilworth arriving 11.48. It is just 1.7 miles from there to the lunch pub in Albury (see below) and this reduces the main walk to 8.7 miles. You need a day return to Chilworth if doing this option.

For walk directions click here, for GPX click here, for a map of the route click here

There is quite a variety of scenery on this walk. Starting along the pretty path by the river Wey (where weeping willows may be starting to show green tints and there is a garden lawn covered in crocuses, though they may be fading a bit now..), you then climb up onto Chantries and St Martha's Hills, with fine views that the Victorians thought reminiscent of Scotland, and descend to the Drummond in Albury, which usually manages to accommodate those who want a pub lunch.

It is then up through the sandy woods and heaths of Blackheath, and by pleasant rural paths down to Tangley Manor and on to the Wey at Shalford. It is possible to end the walk here (10.9 miles), or to finish the walk back into Guildford along the river.

Trains back from Guildford are every 15 minutes or so - just turn up and go.

Trains back from Shalford are at 16 past the hour.  There are also fairly regular buses to Guildford.

Possible moonlight extension: This is the last chance for a moonlight walk on a Saturday before the clocks go forward. The moon will be at 93.8% illumination and high in the sky to the east at dusk. If skies are clear we could have a layover in the Queen Victoria pub in Shalford while we wait for it to be properly dark, and then try the three mile or so walk down the Wey from Shalford to Godalming (a single from Godalming to Guildford would need to be purchased for the homeward journey) - or just do the last bit of the walk into Guildford in the moonlight.


Daisy Roots said...

I think a return to Shalford (or Chilworth) is roughly the same price as a Guildford return and gives you the option of finishing at Shalford.

Walker said...

14 at the start, one from Godalming who we picked up early in the walk and one who caught a slightly later train and caught us for lunch: so n=16 today all told. The weather was w=grey, but otherwise inoffensive: no rain or wind, not ludicrously cold.

In the morning we enjoyed the view from Chantries Hill - yes, dear reader, we actually STOPPED and looked at the view and waited for the back markers to catch up. Getting to St Martha’s Church we stopped again on the nice benches alongside the church, lured by the offer of free tea and cake (you were invited to leave a donation…). Most then did the main walk route to lunch, with only three (?) doing the short cut.

Regulars will know I am not famous for booking tables for lunch. But I made an exception this time, reserving for six - probably a wise move as the pub was busy. Six was parlayed to eight on arrival, and one more ate and three had drinks at a separate table. That leaves four unaccounted for, who presumably had their sandwiches somewhere and carried on.

We had a nice table by the window in the conservatory and we sat there a long time. Not because the food came slowly - it was very quick - but because it was nice just to sit there and enjoy pleasant company. I was impressed by the menu: three vegan options (almost an indecent amount of choice…) and my chick pea and cashew nut curry was very nice.

Up onto the heath in the afternoon. Two here took the short cut to Chilworth. The rest of us carried on to Guildford - at least everyone I was with did. We got a bit strung out, but two of us had tea in Gail’s in Guildford, open to 6pm (yay!) but out of breakfast tea (boo!). Five of us then had a cosy drink by the fire in the King’s Head.