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This Week's Walks - Archive

Please see the Saturday Walker's Club This Week's Walks page.

This is an archive of walks done by the Saturday Walker's Club. You should only need to use this page if the SWC website is down.

Saturday, 15 April 2023

Eridge Circular


Length: 17km / 10.5m
Toughness: 4 / 10
Transport: Take the 10:00 train from London Bridge, change at East Croydon and arrive in Eridge at 11:03. Return trains at xx:50.

A pleasant walk through fields and woods with Harrison's and Eridge Rocks and the Spa Valley Railway along the way.


MoonBrain said...

#8 on a day with a #mix-of-sun-cloud-and-a-rain-shower-near-the-end

Mike A said...

As MoonBrain writes n=8 on this pleasant walk around Eridge. The walk poster had cleverly selected a date to coincide with a Spa Valley Railways Steam and Heritage Diesel Train Rides 🚂🚆 (or was that date just serendipitous ⁉️)
Whatever, walkers were treated to an up-close view of a steam locomotive at Eridge before setting off into the countryside. Definite signs of spring there with a green blur starting to appear in woodland and those cheeky little celandines showing off their blooms along the hedgerows.
Walkers taking luncheon at the Junction Inn were able to sit outside and I hear good reports about the food there too.
Two took advantage of the Spa Valley Railway Event and travelled back to Eridge on one of their trains and enjoyed the sights, sound and smells of a bygone age.